What Dynamic Contrast Ratio is and Why it Matters

What Dynamic Contrast Ratio is and Why it Matters?


What Dynamic Contrast Ratio is and Why it Matters



When buying a new monitor or evaluating your current display, it's crucial to understand Dynamic Contrast Ratio (DCR)—an essential specification that measures a screen's ability to switch between light and dark areas.

DCR improves the apparent contrast ratio by dynamically adjusting the backlight brightness, which helps boost dark areas and tone down overly bright sections. This creates a more balanced and eye-pleasing picture by providing more details, depth, and color vibrancy from frame to frame.


Dynamic Contrast Ratio V.S. Static Contrast Ratio

The static contrast ratio is an unchanging hardware specification that measures the brightness ratio between the brightest white and deepest black a monitor can show. For instance, a 1000:1 static contrast ratio indicates the brightest white is 1000 times more luminous than the deepest black. Higher static contrast ratios create more natural, true-to-life images.

Compared with static contrast ratio, dynamic contrast ratio (DCR) is a adjustable setting that artificially boosts perceived contrast. DCR algorithms analyze the image to selectively dim the backlight in darker areas and increase it in brighter areas.


Recommended Usage for DCR

DCR is ideal for gaming and watching videos where high contrast and vivid colors are desirable. The dynamic adjustment of brightness levels allows dark scenes to seem truly black, while still preserving details in bright areas. For example, people are more easier to spot enemies lurking in dark corners during first-person shooter games or see critical details in the shadowy depths of a horror game.

However, DCR may not be the best choice for professional graphic design, photo editing, and other color-critical work. The constantly fluctuating brightness and contrast make accurate color calibration difficult. The exaggerated contrast can also cause lost detail in very dark or bright areas of an image. Those doing precision creative work may prefer a monitor with a lower static contrast ratio but more accurate color/brightness reproduction.

So in summary, DCR monitors excel for entertainment uses where a lively, vivid image is the priority. However, for professional visual work requiring color accuracy, monitors with a good static contrast ratio are better suited.

Kefeya portable monitor extenders stand out with a 1000:1 static contrast ratio, producing more natural and lifelike images than competing monitors with lower 600:1 or 700:1 ratios. Furthermore, Kefeya displays typically reach an impressive 300 nit brightness, surpassing the 220 to 250 nit range of other portable monitors, bringing you fabulous color effect.



In summary, dynamic contrast ratio (DCR) is a monitor feature that automatically adjusts backlighting to darken dark areas and brighten bright areas on a scene-by-scene basis. While DCR can enhance viewing, it also introduces trade-offs. Consider how you plan to use the monitor, weigh the pros and cons of DCR, and then decide whether to enable it.